Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Assignment 5 - Sample Survey

Assignment #5 – Sample Survey
The attached survey was designed and changed multiple times due to a number of items of concern that arose during the administration of the survey.
·         In its early stages the survey was designed primarily with yes/no responses. It was found that this enabled participants to quickly complete the survey however the answers given did not allow participants to accurately indicate their feelings on many of the topics (there was no middle ground).
·         In its second draft (attached) the survey was designed including parents and community volunteers in the same section. This ordering of the survey also did not allow for accurate responses as the participants were not given ample choice and the statements in the section were not generic enough to allow both participant groups opportunity to answer all questions correctly. This caused participants to leave questions blank and/or answer incorrectly.
·         The final draft (attached) the survey allowed participants to differentiate between questions and give fairly accurate answers based on their experience with the PRTI-co-curricular program. Differentiating between parents and volunteers allowed each group to give more honest feedback which could be used to make changes to the program in an effort to improve. Community volunteers, many of whom may be parents of students in the school, really could not answer questions as a parent due to both groups really seeing the program from different sides.
·         It was interesting to note that the sample students saw the program in different ways. Some students saw the co-curricular as an opportunity to be involved in different extracurricular activities during school time and gained from the experience while others saw the option as free time and although they usually participated some did take the opportunity to skip school during the period. Interestingly enough, some students opted out of the co-curricular activity of their own choice in order to finish assignments, or get extra help at times.
·         The questions at the end of the survey allowed each participant group the opportunity to answer based on their own specific ideas and expectations from the program. Answers given here were also seen as beneficial for feedback and further improvements to the program.